The time for my WPA2 Password cracking increased a lot after secifying chrset

So I´m trying to use hashcat to see if it can crack a WPA password. I don´t know the leghnt of the Password, but I can assume it´s only lowercases, upercases and numbers. But before I specified I decided to run hashcat without specifiyng types of characters to see it was all working. 

This was the command:

hashcat.exe -m 2500 -a 3 wpa2.hccapx

It was saying on the status that would take like, 240days to do it, so I tried filtering it with this command

hashcat.exe -m 2500 -a 3 wpa2.hccapx -1 ?l?u?d ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 -i --increment-min=8

But now it´s saying that it can take 25YEARS!

Does anyone know what´s going on?

EDIT: Does anyone know if I can also include Keywords that the Password may have?

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The time for my WPA2 Password cracking increased a lot after secifying chrset - by Super_X - 04-22-2021, 11:20 AM