Well, this was facepalm moment for me thanks much ! ))
I can combine char lists, duh
As the the Korean, some words are 2 some 3, some 6 characters long . (just one word). also, the character changes and building up when you type, basically https://www.howtostudykorean.com/unit0/unit0lesson1/
I have no idea how they teach this to kids..
And as for wordlists.
There are about 2k characters:
Combining those using combinator to get 3 characters long ls 72G already.
Will try using price, maybe piping prince to hashcat.
Is this still considered good attack?
My biggest complain about piping anything to hashcat is being unable to save progress with --session
Well, this was facepalm moment for me thanks much ! ))
I can combine char lists, duh
?3 = ?1+?2
As the the Korean, some words are 2 some 3, some 6 characters long . (just one word). also, the character changes and building up when you type, basically https://www.howtostudykorean.com/unit0/unit0lesson1/
I have no idea how they teach this to kids..
And as for wordlists.
There are about 2k characters:
cat Korean_utf8.txt |wc -l
Combining those using combinator to get 3 characters long ls 72G already.
>ls -lh Korean_combined_double.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx 72G Apr 17 17:43 Korean_combined_3_char.txt
>tail Korean_combined_3_char.txt
Will try using price, maybe piping prince to hashcat.
Is this still considered good attack?
pp64 < wordlist.dict | hashcat [options] target.hash -r prince_optimized.rule
My biggest complain about piping anything to hashcat is being unable to save progress with --session