Mac M1 - Bcrypt speed
This sounds like you may be hitting a few issues:

For one, your command is wrong. "-a??a?a?a?a?a?a?a" is a broken mask, look at the front.

Second, 250MH/s in bcrypt is impossible, doesnt matter the hardware. 250H/s would even be impressive for such a weak device. I would double check that first number.

Third, CPU util will, of course, be almost flat. It's not using the CPU at all, it's using the GPU. You are already going about as fast as that chip can handle for your bcrypt cost, which appears to be about 80H/s. You might gain some speed with the bank conflict optimizations but those aren't in hashcat yet.

Messages In This Thread
Mac M1 - Bcrypt speed - by Ieatlotsoftacos - 04-28-2021, 05:48 PM
RE: Mac M1 - Bcrypt speed - by Chick3nman - 04-28-2021, 07:20 PM
RE: Mac M1 - Bcrypt speed - by Ieatlotsoftacos - 04-28-2021, 07:26 PM
RE: Mac M1 - Bcrypt speed - by Chick3nman - 04-28-2021, 08:00 PM
RE: Mac M1 - Bcrypt speed - by Snoopy - 04-29-2021, 07:19 PM