(10-17-2021, 09:33 AM)NoReply Wrote: In general, unselecting the driver that is packaged with CUDA is a bad idea in my experience. A clean reinstall of the latest CUDA package from their website (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads) should fix your issue.
Oh, thanks for the reply. I did try cuda 11.4 but I got a different error in hashcat with that, where it said it wants 11.1. But now you made me think it was a conflict of versions maybe on my side. So if 11.4 is compatible I will try and get that working.
I just tried to install and when I checked the driver version I see that it actually replaces the graphics driver I already installed. For some reason I thought they were seperate things. But it wants to take it from 472.12 down to version 471.41. I will give it a try and report back here. Thanks again
I installed Cuda and did proper restarts. But cuda install did not downgrade my graphics driver to 471.41 so I uninstalled my current one and installed 471.41 manually. I still get the same error as before