If you want to save cracked passwords to a dedicated output file – in addition to the potfile – you can use the "-o" option. Note that it's a lower case O.
If you want to save remaining and uncracked passwords to a dedicated output file, I won't be able to help you. But I do know that there is a --restore option, so Hashcat must know equally well what isn't cracked yet just as it knows what is cracked already. I just don't know if it stores that state information in a file or if it can be told to do so. Perhaps there is some sort of restore file it uses, and you may be able to use that for whatever you intend to do with it. Have a look inside the folder you run Hashcat from.
-o ..\recovered-passwords.txt
If you want to save remaining and uncracked passwords to a dedicated output file, I won't be able to help you. But I do know that there is a --restore option, so Hashcat must know equally well what isn't cracked yet just as it knows what is cracked already. I just don't know if it stores that state information in a file or if it can be told to do so. Perhaps there is some sort of restore file it uses, and you may be able to use that for whatever you intend to do with it. Have a look inside the folder you run Hashcat from.
hashcat --restore