How to tell if ZIP is compressed or not?
Yeah the safest thing to to is to put the hash(es) into a file, for one short hash like md5 (without special chars) its okay on the commandline, but most commandlines/shells dont like special chars like * and you have to escape them (which can be also sometimes very anoying)

cmplen=6422 is the lenght of the compressed file inside the zip (the zip itself is 6548 bytes)
decmplen=19091 is the size in bytes of the originating file and the size after decompressing

funny thing i noticed while playing around, the used compression also compresses the pw-hash
-> uncompressed zip, the extracted hash/hahsfile is about 38kb
-> with compression it is about 12kb

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RE: How to tell if ZIP is compressed or not? - by Snoopy - 01-12-2022, 05:14 PM