first on storing generated hashes
this would be the oldschool technic known as rainbowtables, first problem, isnt working well with salted hashes. second problem storage, see to get an idea, now take into consideration you have to store this for every hash type you will ever attack and newer hashes are longer than md5 or ntlm, if you want to do so, you can use maskprocessor feed the output to any tool like md5sum, shasum whatever and build your dicts for unsalted hashes, but dont forget to tripple backup, a crashed hdd, raid or whatever and all the work is gone
second on planning attacks
i use two approaches
first one, i made batch files for starting attacks, where i change things like hashlist, wordlist, maskfiles and so on with vars and echo these vars into a file named after the attack-target as, so i have a basic overview of work already done, this is good enough for fast hashes and things like masks of length 8 maybe more (runs that will take maybe up to 2-3 hours max)
second one, you can use hashcat the brain to take track of already testet hashes, brain mode 1 or 3, but the brain comes at the cost of loosing some attack speed (implies -S), so it depends on your attack and hashmode. there are some things to know when using the brain, never rename or alter the attack-target (--remove is forbidden for that cause) because the brain uses these data to keep track of the attack target (at least it was this way when it was introduced) but you cant test it by yourself, just take a short hashlist, copy it with antoher name and start the same attack on both files, a fast one like --increment ?l?l?l? and see, the copied/renamed file should reject no candidate
this would be the oldschool technic known as rainbowtables, first problem, isnt working well with salted hashes. second problem storage, see to get an idea, now take into consideration you have to store this for every hash type you will ever attack and newer hashes are longer than md5 or ntlm, if you want to do so, you can use maskprocessor feed the output to any tool like md5sum, shasum whatever and build your dicts for unsalted hashes, but dont forget to tripple backup, a crashed hdd, raid or whatever and all the work is gone
second on planning attacks
i use two approaches
first one, i made batch files for starting attacks, where i change things like hashlist, wordlist, maskfiles and so on with vars and echo these vars into a file named after the attack-target as, so i have a basic overview of work already done, this is good enough for fast hashes and things like masks of length 8 maybe more (runs that will take maybe up to 2-3 hours max)
second one, you can use hashcat the brain to take track of already testet hashes, brain mode 1 or 3, but the brain comes at the cost of loosing some attack speed (implies -S), so it depends on your attack and hashmode. there are some things to know when using the brain, never rename or alter the attack-target (--remove is forbidden for that cause) because the brain uses these data to keep track of the attack target (at least it was this way when it was introduced) but you cant test it by yourself, just take a short hashlist, copy it with antoher name and start the same attack on both files, a fast one like --increment ?l?l?l? and see, the copied/renamed file should reject no candidate