Speed questions
If you're asking questions about how long it would take to crack a password you should be looking at benchmarks. They are all over this forum.

Just do the math, you have a password consisting of 8 characters which has 26(u)+10(d) possibilities. So 8^36 is your total possibilities and then look at benchmarks for relating to what kind of speed to expect.

Suppose you don't find the password, hashcat doesn't care whether you have guessed that password previously, its for the user to figure that out. If you're trying to crack wifi passwords, just look online for default passwords on your local marketplace, build a keyspace and minimize your workload as much as possible. It's easier to attempt 20 short attacks than 1 big long attack.

Messages In This Thread
Speed questions - by edmund - 03-27-2022, 06:21 PM
RE: Speed questions - by slyexe - 03-27-2022, 06:37 PM