not quite sure what the yt tutorial told you, but use john the ripper and its itunes2john script to extract your hash (john and hashcat are 90% compatible), then take a look at your output, john sometimes adds some not needed information at the end of the hash, check with the example hash from above and delete not needed informations
Token length exception tells, that the hash is somehow malformed and therefore not valid for attacking with hashcat
you could post your full hash, just cover some spots with XXXX like example hash, but dont delete the * as these are used for splitting the hash and the different parts have also some restrictions like lenght
with that information i could check the restrictions and tell you which part seems malformed
Token length exception tells, that the hash is somehow malformed and therefore not valid for attacking with hashcat
you could post your full hash, just cover some spots with XXXX like example hash, but dont delete the * as these are used for splitting the hash and the different parts have also some restrictions like lenght
with that information i could check the restrictions and tell you which part seems malformed