this is not possible with one mask, you have use multiple masks or use pregenerated wordlists
ill give you a hint for masks
make a file called masks.txt and add this first line (each line is one mask)
you can test this with
this will generate passes like this
now you have to specifiy rules for the other combinations lets say
* 4 digits * 5 digits *
* 5 digits * 4 digits *
* 5 digits * 5 digits *
and also for the null possibility, depending wether or not these "mixing" possibilities are wanted or unwanted (e.g. * null 4digits key 5digits *) you will need, i think, minimal 4 rules max 16 rules for one Key
ill give you a hint for masks
make a file called masks.txt and add this first line (each line is one mask)
. ! .! !.?d?d?d?dKnownPartOfTheKey?d?d?d?d. ! .! !.
hashcat --stdout -a3 masks.txt
this will generate passes like this
. ! .! !.4422KnownPartOfTheKey3961. ! .! !.
. ! .! !.6250KnownPartOfTheKey3961. ! .! !.
. ! .! !.1511KnownPartOfTheKey3961. ! .! !.
. ! .! !.0250KnownPartOfTheKey3961. ! .! !.
. ! .! !.2806KnownPartOfTheKey3961. ! .! !.
now you have to specifiy rules for the other combinations lets say
* 4 digits * 5 digits *
* 5 digits * 4 digits *
* 5 digits * 5 digits *
and also for the null possibility, depending wether or not these "mixing" possibilities are wanted or unwanted (e.g. * null 4digits key 5digits *) you will need, i think, minimal 4 rules max 16 rules for one Key