Need HELP - Im Close to the right Password form my SSD
Hello HashCats,

I forgot my password from my new Luke SSD but i know mutch about it.
Please help me with the right Charset and Mask Syntax (or else).

How can i BrutForce only Passwords with the follow parts nothing other:
"123" "qwe" "456" "!"

as Example the Password looks close to:

The Password length is 12 - 15
-i --increment-min 12 --increment-max 15

Iam far away from the right solution with:
sudo ./hashcat.bin -a 3 -m 14600 /dev/sda1 -1 '123' -2 '123qwe!' 123?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2 -i --increment-min 12 --increment-max 15

How can i BruteForce only with the Parts i set?

Thank you for reading,
have a nice time.

Messages In This Thread
Need HELP - Im Close to the right Password form my SSD - by criptoon - 08-22-2022, 09:08 PM