so you know that the plains are just straight adresses, so why do you want to crack them?
next point without knowing the exact form -> city, country, c-code or is it -> country, city, ccode, you will have so much combinations that the only possibility for attacking these hashes i could think of would be, if you know, that one particular address is for 100% sure among these hashes (without any additional data you mentioned), then you could use just these known parts of that adress for prebuilding a wordlist with all possibel combinations aof that parts (the different separators are the least problem, if successful the result would tell you the used style (in which order are the different infos)
anyway, if you think that a database or programm will store such informations hashed, e.g. you have an entry with a person, person-id but these adress details are hashed, you are wrong, because how should the database "decrypt" these infos for using them? data stored without the possibility to decrypt them is no usecase, so when this data has to be used, the only possibility is using encryption/decryption, but not hashing the data
next point without knowing the exact form -> city, country, c-code or is it -> country, city, ccode, you will have so much combinations that the only possibility for attacking these hashes i could think of would be, if you know, that one particular address is for 100% sure among these hashes (without any additional data you mentioned), then you could use just these known parts of that adress for prebuilding a wordlist with all possibel combinations aof that parts (the different separators are the least problem, if successful the result would tell you the used style (in which order are the different infos)
anyway, if you think that a database or programm will store such informations hashed, e.g. you have an entry with a person, person-id but these adress details are hashed, you are wrong, because how should the database "decrypt" these infos for using them? data stored without the possibility to decrypt them is no usecase, so when this data has to be used, the only possibility is using encryption/decryption, but not hashing the data