iterations and loops confusion
Yeah it is simple like that, but you have to take a look at iteration count, the rest is done by hashcat autotune for your graphicscard

the "cost" factor bcrypt means 2^costs=rounds, so 2^5 is 32 and 2^10 is 1024, the rest like mentioned is managed by autotune, maybe your graphicscard is not capable of doing 1024 loops in a row or something similar so autotune splits it to 4*256.

cost/rounds or iterations where intruduced to slow down cracking, imagine this, (i use lower numbers just for showing purposes) you are able to compute 1000 hashes per second for a single round, introduce an iteration of 10, you will end up with just 100 hashes per second and so on

Messages In This Thread
iterations and loops confusion - by blaster666 - 08-07-2023, 12:16 AM
RE: iterations and loops confusion - by Snoopy - 08-07-2023, 12:14 PM
RE: iterations and loops confusion - by hox - 11-07-2023, 05:32 PM