hashcat do not run on windows 2019 server but runs on Win10
Hello! I use hashcat for a dictionary attack,
but hashcat does not work with the same keys on Windows Server 2019 and works on Windows 10.
When I run the same hashcat command line with
 --user and --show keys, then it works on Windows 2019 and does not work without these keys, for example like this: hashcat.exe -m 1000 -a 0 -O -w 4 E:\hashs.txt E:\dicts\rockyou.txt . The program just starts and closes.
At the same time, this command works on Windows 10. Hashcat reports that it uses cuda in Windows 10 and OpenCL library in Windows server 2019...
Thank you for any help

Messages In This Thread
hashcat do not run on windows 2019 server but runs on Win10 - by myg - 08-29-2023, 09:02 PM