hashcat do not run on windows 2019 server but runs on Win10
Intel Xeon CPU E5-2690 2.9Ghz 32 GbRAM Windows 2019 Server Video: Matrox G200eh WDDM 2.0, RunTime OpenCL 21.2.616 installed , HASHCAT 6.2.5

you need the opencl drivers for CPU only, your installed version is for graphics (i think) as the last version vor cpu is 16.1.2

see this link: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/123...PU_runtime

i dont think your GPU will run with hashcat (but not sure), try installing the latest version for opencl CPU and running hashcat -I again

hashcat -I has to produce an output, even when just saying no devices found

regarding this thread, this link shoould also work

Messages In This Thread
RE: hashcat do not run on windows 2019 server but runs on Win10 - by Snoopy - 08-30-2023, 12:08 PM