Altered my PW for Argent-X (crypto wallet) - no seed written down.
My username says it all…

If you want a TLDR read only the highlighted part in blue.

Due to difficult personal circumstances I found myself with no paper & pen but a Steam Deck (Windows on microSD) as my only device.

I wanted to try out the StarkNet blockchain and therefore installed Argent-X - as I wasn’t able to write my seed phrase down (and being aware that taking a screenshot could be negative if I should get hacked) I decided to safe my PW in an encrypted text file.

Due to the Steam Deck controls being a bit whacky I must have accidentally selected some part of my PW (difficult to guess - more or less completely random) and moved it into the rest (the only “easy” possibility would be that I accidentally deleted the last 1-2 characters - pressing x to open the keyboard is the same as deleting the last character) and then as dumb as I was have saved it later after adding another PW for a different service.

As I still have a PW that is at least close to what the actual PW was I ask myself if it would be possible to still get out of such a miserable situation (my life was in a bad state before that obviously and acting against any common sense by not writing anything down and doing control c & v with a whacky mouse pad where it’s hard to select anything correctly was an invitation for failure - the amount lost is significantly below 1 ETH which may not be much for some people but for me it’s sadly quite a substantial amount).

So to make it clear:

I’m pretty sure I have all the characters and nearly all of them are in the correct order.
I’m also pretty sure that there was only one error (if it’s not deleting 1-2 characters - but then it’s only that and no moving) of moving part of the PW into the rest (it’s highly likely that it was just the end part - maybe the last character is still at its correct place)

Examples to showcase:

Original PW: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Potential changes (gaps to showcase): abcde stuvwxyz fghijklmnopqr

Potential changes (gaps to showcase): abcde uvwxyz fghijklmnopqrst

Potential changes (gaps to showcase): abcde stuvwxy fghijklmnopqrz

Potential changes (gaps to showcase): abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1

As I don’t want to brute force completely randomly (the PW has way too many characters - that would fail definitely) but I have a rough gist of what my actual PW was - is there any way to program / code something that only checks for such mistakes so that it could solve it in an acceptable timeframe?

I’m no computer scientist and only had a few classes - so just as with my PW I have a rough understanding (did Java, Python, C++ but it’s a couple of years ago) but I’m not able to easily assess how to write such a code / if it’s possible in a reasonable run time (Big O Notation was only done with simple sort algorithms and it was basically just learn three types and know them by heart instead of real understanding).

I hope it’s ok that such a complete dumbestdummy is using this forum!

I really appreciate any type of help!

Thanks in advance to anyone being kind of enough to read that text!

Messages In This Thread
Altered my PW for Argent-X (crypto wallet) - no seed written down. - by dumbestdummy - 08-31-2023, 11:25 AM