Altered my PW for Argent-X (crypto wallet) - no seed written down.
(08-31-2023, 12:16 PM)marc1n Wrote:
(08-31-2023, 11:54 AM)dumbestdummy Wrote:
(08-31-2023, 11:42 AM)marc1n Wrote: Hashcat must have your password hash to work unfortunately but Argent-X is not currently supported.

I know this is not part of the forum but are there maybe any other possible approaches (like more manual ones)?
As stated I think there shouldn’t be that many possibilities given that there weren’t several of those actions performed so basically I would just need to try to start cutting sequences out (like character 2&3 to the end, character 2-4 to the end, character 2-5 to the end, character 3-7 to the end etc) and then check how argent reacts.

So if there is any literature / tools / I can look at that would also help me a lot. I don’t have to starve otherwise but it’s still a hefty some that would make it worth for me.

If you don't have your recovery phrases, you don't know the password and you don't even have a json file (backup file), your funds are not recoverable at the moment. You have deprived yourself of funds by not following the basic rules in the world of cryptocurrencies.

I know that. I wasn’t so stupid before that. It’s the old “should go well for a small amount of time” and then it doesn’t.

As stated I have a rough idea of what my password actually is. I have run the numbers and it should even be brute forceable on a manual scale (as stated it’s just character a till b and put them at the end or 1 character before the end).
So if there is no automatic tool I can use to type in the passwords (I have unlimited tries in Argent as far as I’m aware) I have to swallow the pill and manually enter everything on the keyboard once I have a physical keyboard again (because on the touchscreen this won’t be any fun).

So that’s basically my last question: is there any tool I can use to automatically enter the possible PWs until I get the right thing?
There should be less than 300 times 2 (maybe adding like 70 times 2 if the last one or two characters were deleted) possibilities so it should be done fairly quickly.

Like an idea I have given my limited understanding:
I program a Java script that moves the characters for me and makes a list of all possible PWs.
Have a tool that automatically copies and pastes it into the Argent-X PW field and then hits enter.

I’m pretty sure after more thinking about it there is a way for people who have more knowledge about automating mouse controls to do it.

The Java code (again I’m a noob) can be fairly easily done by just using an array of characters, running a simple loop and then printing the resulting arrays.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Altered my PW for Argent-X (crypto wallet) - no seed written down. - by dumbestdummy - 08-31-2023, 01:04 PM