Hashcat NVRTC Error on AWS p2.16xlarge Instance with Nvidia Tesla K80
(09-21-2023, 09:06 PM)Chick3nman Wrote: The GPUs are you trying to use are very old and I'm honestly not sure you can even use them at all anymore as no driver new enough for Hashcat's minimum spec will support them, at least to my knowledge. Further, the Hashcat version(s) you are using is(are) also very old and you should ensure you are using the latest release of hashcat. Unfortunately, those GPUs are terrible even if you do manage to get them working, their architecture lacks support for instructions that we make heavy use of and that makes them extremely slow, even compared to similarly powerful GPUs from around the same time. I would strongly recommend using the latest hashcat release(or building from github) as well as using a more modern GPU. AWS supports many other GPUs and all of them are significantly faster and/or better supported, while not necessarily being more expensive.
Thank you for your prompt response. Could you recommend the most suitable AWS machine types that are compatible with the latest Hashcat release? While browsing through AWS, I wasn't able to easily identify the GPU options they offer.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hashcat NVRTC Error on AWS p2.16xlarge Instance with Nvidia Tesla K80 - by Kraken-US - 09-21-2023, 09:18 PM