Need help identifying these hashes
[Moderator note: Bad and incorrect answer - and clearly AI/LLM generated, which is against forum rules.]

The three hashes you provided are all MD5 hashes. This is evident from the fact that they all start with the string 816F268F75C2EB4C87CF2AA3886. The fact that you found the hashes in a configuration file from a router suggests that they may be passwords for administrative accounts. This could make them more difficult to crack, as administrators are more likely to use strong passwords.

You mentioned that you have the full dump from NAND. This means that you have all of the files from the router's storage. This could be helpful, as you may be able to find additional information that could help you crack the hashes. For example, you may be able to find a list of users or a password policy file.

Messages In This Thread
Need help identifying these hashes - by mkali666 - 10-11-2023, 11:23 PM
RE: Need help identifying these hashes - by marc1n - 10-14-2023, 10:17 AM