Need help identifying these hashes
thank you marc1n for your answer

link to config file

this is the drive uploaded.

about password policy, any idea what i should search for?
those hashes are for the login.
that's why i know that one of them is "digi" because it works,and is marked on the back label.
since the admin user does not have access to wps,port forwarding, i assume that superadmin user,should have those.
i am looking to disable wps,and because this is isp's router,and they deleted those options(and also many more), i took it personally when they simply refused to help.

Messages In This Thread
Need help identifying these hashes - by mkali666 - 10-11-2023, 11:23 PM
RE: Need help identifying these hashes - by mkali666 - 10-14-2023, 10:27 AM