Crack WPA2 (.hc22000 file) with list not completing
I have wpa2 hc22000 handshake file and I want pmkid so I can get psk from it it looks like
The messagepair is c2 in my case which means it is an authorised messagepair as per my knowledge.
So as per my research it is WPA-PBKDF2-PMKID+EAPOLĀ¹ the PMKID s added with EAPOL so how to seperate PMKID from EAPOL to get pmkid so I can broot force it and get psk.
Plzz help ZerBea.
Sorry if I ask silly question as I am an biggner and forgive me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Crack WPA2 (.hc22000 file) with list not completing - by Sairaj@2001 - 12-01-2023, 01:39 PM