Plugins 2500/2501 and 16800/16801 are deprecated
Here in case of hcxdumptool (dump file in pcapng format):
stored by hcxdumptool in working directory
-w <outfile>   : write packets to a pcapng-format file named <outfile>
                  default outfile name: yyyyddmmhhmmss-interfacename.pcapng

Here in case of converted files by hcxpcapngtool (hash file in hc22000 format)
stored by hcxpcapngtool in working directory

-o <file> : output WPA-PBKDF2-PMKID+EAPOL hash file (hashcat -m 22000)
get full advantage of reuse of PBKDF2 on PMKID and EAPOL

Here in case of hashcat (recoverd PSK in hashcat out file format):
via hashcat show option
--show                     |      | Compare hashlist with potfile; show cracked hashes   |
Here in case of hashcat (recoverd PSK in hashcat pot file format):
stort in hashcat config directory
$ cat $HOME/.hashcat/hashcat.potfile
$ cat ~/.hashcat/hashcat.potfile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Plugins 2500/2501 and 16800/16801 are deprecated - by ZerBea - 12-07-2023, 05:36 PM