Hashcat's capabilities for BTC seed phrase brute forcing
Hello Hashcat Community,

Is it possible to use Hashcat for the following task:

1. Generating a random 12-word Bitcoin seed phrase;
2. Deriving public address from that seed phrase;
3. Deriving private key from that seed phrase;
4. Comparison against a list of public addresses: can Hashcat compare a generated public address against a separate .csv file containing the top 100,000 addresses by BTC amount?
5. Output if match found: if there is a match between the generated address and an address in the .csv file, can Hashcat print the public address, balance, private key, and seed phrase?

If this approach does not work with Hashcat, any guidance or recommendations for alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Hashcat's capabilities for BTC seed phrase brute forcing - by Hasher - 04-23-2024, 09:03 AM