Noob needs help cracking cheat code password
I have not used hashcat in a VERY long time, but I need it again.

A game came out recently and it has a password system to input cheat codes. The community hasn't yet found all codes, but we have found them encrypted.

What we got:
  • The game's code is open source, including the cheat system and encrypted passwords
  • The salt for the encryption is also visible (0L4rlK}{9ay6'VJS)
  • All encrypted passwords are 88 characters long and end in "==" (eg.:
  • Some passwords use normal words; a dictionary attack is possible
  • The game lowercases any text input for the cheats, therefore all passwords lowercase (however, numbers and special characters are still used)
  • According to the game's code, the encryption does 2 passes.

What I need:
  • Figure out what encryption this is (i think it's SHA, not sure)
  • Figure out how to use hashcat to crack the passwords, using the salt

Is this possible? if so, how?
inb4 "using password cracking software to cheat at a game"
in my defense, most of these passwords are stuff like unlocking characters and levels, or using big head mode (not kidding)

just for an example, the above hash is "squish it skew it"

final note, the "big head mode" hash is

Messages In This Thread
Noob needs help cracking cheat code password - by genen - 04-29-2024, 11:09 PM