HELP ME! specific password list generation??
first, there is no logic built in for filtering out masks or password candidates the way you want, it was discussed multiple times and the result was, these logic would slow down the whole password generating done by hashcat to an extend, that it would be much slower than just calculating the hashes for these candidates

second, you can use a self generated maskfile for your attack, see this way you can at least utilize your max 4 letters

i will give you something to start with, beginn with numbers only and then add the first letter for all possible positions
?1 is digits
(8 possibilites)
then the same for 2, 3 and 4 letters

i didnt do the math completely , but for 2 letters, the possible masks should be
7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 28 , so you will have to do some real manual work here

every line is a possible mask, given your infos

you dont need generate and store the wordlist before, just let hashcat generate the candidates on the fly

Messages In This Thread
RE: HELP ME! specific password list generation?? - by Snoopy - 07-10-2024, 12:49 PM