Help me to recovery my bitcoin wallet
(08-13-2024, 08:26 PM)Snoopy Wrote: okay let me get things straight, there is a huge difference between hints and hints:

hint 1: special chars, normal chars, numbers, length 8-14, Bruteforce-> still forget it
hint 2: i know my passwords from that time followed that passwordstyle, begin with a single special char like ! or *, then 2-3 words of my language, all of them starting with an upper case letter, then another special char, followed by a 4 digit number, ended with another special char -> cracking your pass is maybe possbile

your hint is still to vague to reduce the overall keyspace, just take a look at the speed of an RTX 4090, benchmark made by Chick3nman,

(not taking into account, that the iterations could be much higher)
* Hash-Mode 11300 (Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat) [Iterations: 200459]
Speed.#1.........:    34064 H/s (78.48ms) @ Accel:4 Loops:1024 Thr:1024 Vec:1

that is slow, lets make some math, full ascii is 95 possibilities, we start with length 8

95^8 = 6.634.204.312.890.625 possible combinations, devided by 34064 H/s =
194.757.054.746 (seconds) / 3600 (hours) / 24 (days) / 365 = 6175 years

without any more specific and exact knowledge about your password you won't be able to crack your pass and for fun you would probably consume more electricity then the wallet is worth
Tks for your answer, but i wana to try, can you create the command for me wwith my hint, i have 20 rtx 2080ti
Does this make it more faster

Messages In This Thread
RE: Help me to recovery my bitcoin wallet - by skczero - 08-14-2024, 04:05 AM