Implement correct toggle of non-default charsets chars like german Umlaute
Thank you.
I guess there is no way to tell the pure (non-optimized) kernel to ignore all passwords that do not contain a specific character type, or is there?

Example: NTLM uses UTF-16LE, so in order to crack Umlaut-hashes I would have to use the non-optimized kernel.
If I understand correctly this is also true for wordlists (if wordlists are UTF8 and have Umlaute, optimized kernels will convert them to incorrect UTF-16LE, wouldn't they?)
So it should increase the speed if all passwords that are pure ASCII would be skipped (as they can be checked faster using the optimized kernel) ...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Implement correct toggle of non-default charsets chars like german Umlaute - by fsdafsadfsdsdaf - 09-09-2024, 02:19 PM