Missing module 29311 (truecrypt)
Thanks for the replies.

Just to verify, the hashcat/beta is the one released circa 2013 and just keeps getting updated, so that is the download file?

The $ at byte 128 is a new twist.  I have been studying TC for a little while, especially the header, and have seen nothing in the TC manuals about it. The 4 bytes from 124-128 are flag bits, and bit 128-132 designate the sector size. So that $ at byte 128 refers only to the hashcat example? 

Am getting constant error from hashcat on my TC header challenge "no hash-mode matches the structure of the input hash". Does this always indicate an incorrect header (it is not easy finding the start point for those 512 bytes) or could it be the correct header but using the wrong encoding, utf-8 vs ASCII?

Should I start a new thread for issues about the a possible incorrect TC header and whether hashcat can help identify the correct one?


Messages In This Thread
Missing module 29311 (truecrypt) - by Onegdknee - 09-17-2024, 12:43 AM
RE: Missing module 29311 (truecrypt) - by slyexe - 09-17-2024, 02:50 AM
RE: Missing module 29311 (truecrypt) - by b8vr - 09-17-2024, 07:17 AM
RE: Missing module 29311 (truecrypt) - by Onegdknee - 4 hours ago