Thoughts on RTX 5090
I highly doubt its 2X.
17% more shaders (cores) and about 33% more memory with better memory speed

So what to expect? For most hashes cores are limiting, so expect 25%-33% improvement, for memory hard hashing algorithms expect the most improvement. One extra benefit is that with the extra memory, larger rule sets such as when you combine rules, will less easily result in out of memory errors, something I still frequently run into.

Messages In This Thread
Thoughts on RTX 5090 - by TrowTrow - 12-17-2024, 12:06 PM
RE: Thoughts on RTX 5090 - by penguinkeeper - 12-17-2024, 02:43 PM
RE: Thoughts on RTX 5090 - by monyanus - 12-17-2024, 02:49 PM