After reading and trying a lot I need help to use hashcat / recover my own password
short answer, not supported but maybe possible to attack

long answer
given your infos your hashentries looks like this: Base_64_SALT Base_64_HASH Algorithm

with HASH = SHA3-512(password + salt)

mode 17600 is just plain sha3-512(password), so salted sha-3 is not supported and also the base64_encoding for input/output

i didnt' find any other mode that seems to fit these given parameters, so your input doenst fit

given the fact you want to attack just one hash, you could decode the base64_values but then you will run into the next problem when it come to sha3-512(password + salt) as input for mode 17600

you could try to utilize a combintator attack with

dict1(passwords) dict2(salt) to mimic a salted input, this attack vector needs to be verified by trying it with a "known" password beforehand as you cannot really now how  sha3-512(password + salt) is implemented by your programm, could be just (passwordsalt) or (passwordConfusedalt) or (password salt) so these possible attack needs to be verified with an known password

Messages In This Thread
RE: After reading and trying a lot I need help to use hashcat / recover my own password - by Snoopy - 01-15-2025, 02:53 PM