07-01-2012, 03:18 AM
(06-30-2012, 03:35 PM)halfie Wrote: Yes, My JtR plug-in supports multicore too (using OpenMP) though I haven't tested it much. 6175 p/s on a 4-core machine sounds right for openwall.pfx file. I get double the speeds on a pfx file generated with keytool utility.
Finally, I got an example of PKCS#12 file to show you the better performace. I created it by exporting certificate from an old version of Firefox (version 3). I'm showing you performance in a two cores machine (not the previous posts 4 cores machine)
> cat /proc/cpuinfo
[ ... ]
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz
[ ... ]
> time ./crackpkcs12 -d ~/dict.txt ~/usr0052-exportado_desde_firefox_3.p12
Dictionary attack - Starting 2 threads
Dictionary attack - Exhausted search
Dictionary attack - Exhausted search
No password found
real 0m2.560s
user 0m4.504s
sys 0m0.036s
> wc -l ~/cuatruple-largo-dict.txt
400000 /home/xxxxxxx/dict.txt
400K / 2.5 seconds = 160K/s in a two cores old machine