Need redirection, can't find the answer anymore
Does status screen suddenly appear? Or do you key status screen to monitor the process?

I help a group to break hash recently, so I can say I have observed this strage status screen's behaviour in 0.08 many times.

My machine can run long hour until it has checked 100%. But If I am too nosy/curious and have a peep on the status screen for speed or how far left to run, system 'die' variously after 2 to 5 min max, GPU and temp gone down.

I know the response would be "Don't be nosy"

Messages In This Thread
RE: Need redirection, can't find the answer anymore - by ntk - 07-14-2012, 12:02 AM
What I think is a kernel bug - by mastercracker - 07-17-2012, 06:38 PM