Binary Dictionary

I am not sure if this was already noticed or reported by someone else or not.

I am running a dictionary attack using oclhashcat-plus against a list of MD5 hashes.

Surprisingly I get 0 results. Let's call this dictionary as wordlist.txt henceforth.

Using some other dictionaries I found the password. I checked this passwords against my original dictionary, wordlist.txt and it is listed there.

On windows:

type wordlist.txt | findstr "areyouthere"

So, I checked the encoding of the file and found out that the charset is binary.

file -bi wordlist.txt


this holds true for several other passwords in the dictionary, wordlist.txt. They are present and corresponding to the MD5 hashes I am trying to crack, however, they are not found in the dictionary attack.

I did not see an option in oclhashcat-plus which states to treat the input as binary. I am sure, if command line can find that word in the dictionary then so can, oclhashcat-plus?

Then, why isn't it happening in this case?

I used the grep utility on linux to find the word in the dictionary, wordlist.txt and it does not find it and says: Standard Input: binary

cat wordlist.txt | grep "areyouthere"

It does not find it.

cat wordlist.txt | grep -a "areyouthere"

enforcing the input file to be of type text.

it finds it!

I have attempted to fix the wordlist itself by removing any binary data present in it, however its a huge file and I do not think I can manually remove all such entries.

I have tried a couple of filters to extract only the ASCII strings from the dictionary and write the output to another file, lets call it ascii_wordlist.txt

Now, when I try:

cat ascii_wordlist.txt | grep "areyouthere"

it finds the word now, without enforcing the input type to be text.

So, I used this new wordlist (only ascii entries) in the dictionary attack in oclhashcat-plus and it once again does not crack the corresponding MD5 hashes.

Messages In This Thread
Binary Dictionary - by NeonFlash - 09-10-2012, 03:43 AM
RE: Binary Dictionary - by NeonFlash - 09-10-2012, 04:10 AM
RE: Binary Dictionary - by atom - 09-10-2012, 10:31 AM
RE: Binary Dictionary - by NeonFlash - 09-10-2012, 11:14 AM
RE: Binary Dictionary - by atom - 09-10-2012, 11:57 AM