Brute-Forcing KeePass 1.x kdb file - cracked-lib-words failed...Where do I go now?
I'm lost just like Axl Rose is.

I am new to the hashcat application but it looks very cool. I downloaded it and installed it and then I downloaded the cracklib-words file which is about 16MB of pre-generated (or simply known) dictionary passwords.

It failed to get my KeePass 1.x password back to me.

So, what do I do now...look for bigger dictionary files or what?

***** EDIT *****: On a related question, I might be more interested in actually getting a password generator. Because my passwords, sometimes, follow a general pattern. And I could create all the combinations using that general pattern to test them myself afterwards. What tools could be recommended for generating a password file using patterns that hashcat could take as input to brute-force?

Thanks for reading!

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Brute-Forcing KeePass 1.x kdb file - cracked-lib-words failed...Where do I go now? - by 4Str4yC4t - 01-29-2022, 01:28 AM