Need help! about john the ripper commands word.
(07-06-2022, 05:10 PM)Snoopy Wrote: put the hash into a file and remove the tes.xlsx: at the beginning, this is a not neccessary info from the output or use option --username to tell hashcat it should ignore this info, and add -O (optimzed kernel)

hashcat.exe -O -m9600 -a3 hashfile.txt

i no idea about pw . so i use a 3 to do it

1. put hashtagfile.txt into hashcat same folder > done.
2. remove tes.xlsx: > done.
3. type in cmd :
hashcat.exe -o -m 9600 -a 3 $office$*2013*100000*256*16*05e8e518b10494aafcce44a494f0cccd*7491c7e5da8671e1ad76e9cedd742438*b0cf8e0470dced9a5bc0396c8098d645c81e8d2a1ffc81ceccd7393adf087f23

return error message : 

No hash-mode matches the structure of the input hash.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Need help! about john the ripper commands word. - by cq88uik - 07-06-2022, 06:31 PM