veracrypt dump plausible correct syntax?
(07-20-2022, 01:22 PM)Snoopy Wrote: short answer no

true/veracrypt input is in binary form and hashcat cannot check the validity of the input beforehand, in fact you could provide more than 512 bytes, e.g. an inputfile of 1mb, hashcat will take the first 512 bytes and tries to crack it
Ok, i think the dump should be correct.
dd if=./veracrypt_encrypted_device_image of=./veracrypt_encrypted_device_dump bs=512 count=1

(07-20-2022, 01:22 PM)Snoopy Wrote: regarding the wordlist, when running HC, take a look at the hashcat line telling candidates: > , how do the candidates look like? plain words and or readable ascii? if yes, your file seems okay, it could be, that your file is an uft8-bom file and therefore "mistaken" as binary file

Yes, i can read the candidates in plain text. Readable, no binary/whatever format.

Messages In This Thread
RE: veracrypt dump plausible correct syntax? - by matt99 - 07-21-2022, 07:58 AM