How does 0xae get skipped from 0x00-0xff range in --hex-charset ?b mask???

I was playing around with old office secret key cracking based on: description. I was using the same good file.hash: $oldoffice$1*d6aabb63363188b9b73a88efb9c9152e*afbbb9254764273f8f4fad9a5d82981f*6f09fd2eafc4ade522b5f2bee0eaf66d with known RC4 key: f2ab1219ae

It is strange that hashcat succeeded in finding RC4 key if I ran it as: hashcat file.hash -m 9710 -a 3 --hex-charset f2ab1219ae
but hashcat failed in finding RC4 key with statement that it exhausted all variants from $HEX[f2ab121900] to $HEX[f2ab1219ff] if I ran it as:
hashcat file.hash -m 9710 -a 3 --hex-charset f2ab1219?b

Isn't 0xae part of 0x00-0xff range?
How does hashcat get to this result?

Messages In This Thread
How does 0xae get skipped from 0x00-0xff range in --hex-charset ?b mask??? - by saulys - 10-11-2022, 09:52 AM