Not Getting Value From Dictionary
Hey All.
I've seen some threads about this and the ones that I've seen get resolved either didn't quite seem to be having the same issue or ended up getting resolved without posting what they did.  
Issue: It looks like hash values being made from strings with certain special characters aren't getting identified as the source from hashcat when they are 100% in the dictionary.

I was experimenting mostly on NTLM but it looked like the issue replicated to other hashes as well.  I was working on a lab for some pen test stuff and adding users to the box, working on getting the hash dumps, and so on without metasploit (yay!).  I know the passwords are in the dictionary because I copy/pasted them when I made the users.

I thought that maybe there could have been some weird spaces either at the end or beginning of the lines so I ran a cleanup as well.

Thought maybe there were encoding issues.  The dictionary was UTF-8 and the hash file was ASCII.  I converted the dictionary to ASCII for kicks to see if that had any effect and it did not.  Going to make them both UTF-8 and see if that does anything I guess too.

The command: hashcat -a 0 -m 1000 hashfile.txt dictionary.txt
also using hashcat legacy ./hashcat-cli64.bin -a 0 -m 1000 hashfile.txt

Any ideas?  In the current hashcat it shows hex possibilities so is it using the hex values to compare?

Messages In This Thread
Not Getting Value From Dictionary - by ProbabablyLayer8 - 01-26-2023, 12:21 AM