Strange behavior using keyfiles with truecrypt modes
I'm trying to crack a truecrypt container with a suspected keyfile using the --truecrypt-keyfile parameter. According the hashcat help it should look like --truecrypt-keyf=keyfile. And this is where I noticed some weird stuff.

1: When the cracking job runs, there's nowhere to see, if the keyfile is actually used.
2: If I add a filename, that does not exist, it does not give me an error.
3: If I change the name of the parameter itself, like if I write --truecrypt-ke, --truecrxxxxx or just --t, it gives no error. It just starts the job.

So I'm unsure if the given keyfile is actually used.

This was done with hashcat v6.2.6

Messages In This Thread
Strange behavior using keyfiles with truecrypt modes - by b8vr - 02-10-2023, 11:23 AM