Brute force newbie questions
Good afternoon

I am very new with hashcat
I dont have a high end gpu amd rx 570 slightlly overclocked 4gb
I do have a decent cpu with 22  cores 44 threads (server based xeon)

Lets say the password is short and requires 230 possible combinations
is it possible to divide up all possible combinations(brute force) up bye cores and gpu like ea core does 10 combination + gpu does 10 aswell
cpu -22x10    (phisical cores) or can i run (44 thread based 44x10)?
gpu -1x10
i am aware that the gpu can handle more faster (just wanted to simplify the example)

Does hashcat allow you to save ur progress on random bruteforce attacks?(in case of a power cut)

Can you give me a rough idea howlong in would take to try every combination of a 25 long string (without special characters) with my current hardware?(my new xeon server is still in transport)

Messages In This Thread
Brute force newbie questions - by Fox_go - 03-28-2023, 01:51 AM