md5 wordlist and md5 wordlist+mask 1000 times difference
Could someone explein me how is this and why happening

When i am running wordlist attack
-m 0 -a 0 1.hash 2.pass

I am getting 15 000 KH\s Speed

When runningĀ 
-m 0 -a 7 ?a?a?a?a i am getting 15 000 MH\s SPEED! Which is 1000 times higher

Is this because of hashcat is easier to generate and bruteforce passwords from arguments like ?a?a?a?a, than brruteforcing straught txt ?

Do I understand correctly , help me with advice please

If I am willing to bruteforce some words, and add all possible 4 symbols in the end of the password, i MUST use attack mode 7 , and add ?a?a?a?a, and I MUST NOT generate wordlist by myself, where will be passwords of all possible combinatoins with 4 symbols, becauase for hashcat generating these symbols is easiser and perfomance faster, comparing with common wordlist bruteforce ?

Messages In This Thread
md5 wordlist and md5 wordlist+mask 1000 times difference - by blaster666 - 08-06-2023, 04:53 PM