Using Rented VCPUs to Crack Eth Wallet Password?
I am trying to crack 15700 SCRYPT, specifically.

I have an eth wallet json and am wondering if i could rent a bunch of VCPU power from a provider to brute force it quickly, as I know that GPUs do not work well with SCRYPT. The site I am looking at says I can rent 277332 MHz in power at a cost of $1.452 an hour. I do not remember my original password, although I know it was not very complicated. No more than 9 characters tops, and I did not use but one special character, most likely "!".

Any help on how to best optimize for cracking this would be greatly appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Using Rented VCPUs to Crack Eth Wallet Password? - by passwordloser69 - 11-08-2023, 07:29 PM