Rules not working with Combination Attack in OCLHashCat-Plus?
Hi, friends.
I do suspect that "-r" parameter is not working when used with combinator (-a 1) attack. So I wanna begin by asking if this command line is correct:

oclHashcat-plus64.exe -m 2500 -r MyRules.rule HandShakeWPA.hccap -a 1 Dictionary01.txt Dictionary02.txt

I make this question because I obtain exactly the same results (same keyspace number, but I have two rules inside "MyRules.rule" file) by using this other command (the same, but without "-r" parameter):

oclHashcat-plus64.exe -m 2500 HandShakeWPA.hccap -a 1 Dictionary01.txt Dictionary02.txt

Maybe rules are not intended to work with "-a 1" combination attack?
I can read this on screen (in the first case):

Rules.Type.....: File (MyRules.rule)
Input.Base.....: File (Dictionary01.txt)
Input.Mod......: File (Dictionary02.txt)

so I think this could be a bug in OCLHashCat-plus: it is ignoring rules when using combination attack.
If necessary I can post details of dictionaries and rules file.

What do you think?

Thanks you.

Messages In This Thread
Rules not working with Combination Attack in OCLHashCat-Plus? - by SopalajoArrierez - 01-14-2013, 11:10 PM