You need -exactly- Catalyst v13.1 for very good reasons
So I installed regular Ubuntu (Mint is just an Ubuntu fork, after all) 12.10 on my other machine yesterday before I left for work.

With NOTHING ELSE installed after the fresh install, I proceeded to install the driver (for a Radeon HD 5970 on this other machine), rebooted. Checked it all. Versions are all up-to-date, driver is functioning flawlessly and, to be honest, it just looks nice. Though I hate Unity.

Anyway... same error, different machine, different hardware, same driver.

So if you want to claim PEBKAC here, it has to be with the driver check implemented in hashcat at this point.

I am sure hashcat is a fine program for doing what it does, but the driver checks need to be a bit more loose than they are right now. I've got the same errors on two different machines running the same base OS under different brand names (Linux Mint versus Ubuntu).

So as I said before... I am sure the AMD drivers are more than partly to blame for this. The other part is too strict a driver requirement in hashcat.

Next step?

Messages In This Thread
RE: You need -exactly- Catalyst v13.1 for very good reasons - by Wolf_Blitzer - 02-05-2013, 03:41 PM