Posible bug using external salts -e
I wrote my own. It's quite a bit faster than using hashcat, especially if you are removing a lot of hashes.

so, for example:

hashcat -a 0 -m 2611 -e salts -o mytemp.out input.txt passwords.txt

perl remove.pl mytemp.out <password.txt >password.new

where the remove.pl is something like

$infile = shift;
open (IN,"<$infile") || die "can't find input file $infile:$!";
while (<IN>) {
if (/([0-9a-f]{32}):/) {
$hf{$1} = $_;

while (<>) {
if (/([0-9a-f]{32})/) {
if (exists $hf{$1}) {
# optional, if you want the solutions in the output
# print "$hf{$1}\n";

Messages In This Thread
Posible bug using external salts -e - by eljolot - 04-17-2013, 01:54 PM
RE: Posible bug using external salts -e - by Waffle - 04-18-2013, 03:44 AM