Confused by the suffixes and parameters
I'm not sure I understand. I quote the information about the source:

The password itself is not stored as clear text; it's stored as a 160-bit SHA-1 hash, salted with a 64-bit random number.

This is the only info I have, plus the hash and salt itself ofcourse. Based on this, how would I possibly know or guess intelligently whether to use 110, 120, etc.?

Furthermore, after digging a bit deeper I have reason to believe the password will contain only digits.

My guess is I should use this format when I want to brute force using only digits:
cudahashcat-plus64 -a 3 -1=?d --hex-salt --outfile=JP.txt -m 110 c078b3ef623be6d95f3e7e4af23c4aead10abe38:b4520cf4f2fdbbed
However, it somehow does not take -1=?d into account and still attempts to brute force using upper, lower, digits, and special chars.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Confused by the suffixes and parameters - by JayPee - 10-08-2013, 09:22 AM