WPA 27k/s on a GTX770 is that low?
In comparison with the HD7970 which is very similar to my GTX770 scores lot higer

In the hashcat chart it says the HD7970 achieves 130k/s+ also saw one guy on forum saying his 7970 got 85k/s at stock speeds.

GTX770 CORES 1536 3.2 TFLOPS 27K to
7970 CORES 2048 3.79 TFLOPS 85k to 133K

The specs are not that different to justify that gap am i missing some options?

I played with -u and -n but barely managed to get 33k/s still too low in comparison.

Messages In This Thread
WPA 27k/s on a GTX770 is that low? - by Alphadan - 11-30-2013, 07:20 AM
RE: WPA 27k/s on a GTX770 is that low? - by atom - 11-30-2013, 08:52 AM
RE: WPA 27k/s on a GTX770 is that low? - by Mem5 - 12-01-2013, 01:45 PM