Segmentation Fault
We need more details to help you w/ this problem...
Required information:
1. operating system details (version of linux, kernel version - uname -a, 32/64 bit etc)
2. did it work before (w/ this setup) ?
3. did you change anything w/ the setup - hardware / software ? OR
4. is it the first time you run oclHashcat ?
5. does the example (./ ) work ?
6. we need the output of the command "clinfo" to troubleshoot the problem
7. which oclHashcat version do you use? (stick to the newest one, since older versions of course did not support catalyst 13.12)

Furthermore, it is very important that if you installed the catalyst 13.12 driver that there are no other (remaining and old) drivers installed... including the graphic driver shipped w/ you linux distro.

In general, many distros have some graphic card drivers already (pre-)installed (e.g. some open-source once)... you need to get (completely) rid of those drivers.

Also if you were running a different catalyst version before, you need to cleanly uninstall that one first and try to (re-)install the newer one.

It is also important that you initialize your cards w/ "amdconfig --adapter=all --initial -f" and rebooting the system afterwards.

Another common error is that users have several (more than 1) (and/or etc) around... this could also happen if you installed the AMD SDK....
In such a case, the libs conflict and crashes could (do!) occur.

Therefore, if you have that SDK around - uninstall it - or move it somewhere else.

There is also some (not-up-to-date !) guide on how to install catalyst cleanly, e.g. and some other howto forum threads.
As said, 13.12 should not be the problem as long as you use the newest version of oclHashcat.

Hope this helps. Let us know!

Messages In This Thread
Segmentation Fault - by powerkeks - 01-03-2014, 05:27 PM
RE: Segmentation Fault - by philsmd - 01-05-2014, 05:07 PM
RE: Segmentation Fault - by powerkeks - 01-08-2014, 10:38 PM
RE: Segmentation Fault - by atom - 01-13-2014, 12:02 AM