WPA speed drop between 0.15 and 1.01
The screenshot of oclHashcat 1.01 shows that you are trying to crack more than one network (.hccap file w/ several essid - note the file size of the hccap file + "Recovered......: 0/10"). That's also the reason why not every MAC is listed there.

As far as I understood, you said that the speed of 1.01 and plus 0.15 is the same w/ same input (wordlist + hccap file), therefore it could be that indeed the fact that you are trying to crack 10 network at the same time, could be the reason for the slower speed.

Messages In This Thread
RE: WPA speed drop between 0.15 and 1.01 - by philsmd - 01-07-2014, 07:42 AM