performance masks vs. wordlists
As far as I understand, there is not much of a performance difference when attacking smaller compared to larger hashlists (fast hashes) with oclHashcat.

For (self) education purpose I have put together a quick and dirty bash script for my single 7970 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS setup. Basically doing bruteforce against 1-6 characters ?a, two PACK-generated masks (7-8 full and 9-11 with a treshold of 22 each running 10 min), rules against two large and one small wordlist (splitlenged), hybrid attacks and a basic fingerprint attack against 10k worst passwords then fingerprint against found passwords.

Question: On a bigger hashlist (100k-500k) of fast hashes should I first run the bruteforce/mask attacks and then the wordlist attacks or vice versa - assuming for this case in theory both "blocks" of attacks would find 25% of the passwords? In other words: Does one of the modes benefit from less left hashes?

I haven't found info on that in the wiki or forum, maybe just because it does not make any time difference when running the script.

Messages In This Thread
performance masks vs. wordlists - by vrposter - 01-10-2014, 02:19 PM
RE: performance masks vs. wordlists - by epixoip - 01-10-2014, 03:23 PM
RE: performance masks vs. wordlists - by vrposter - 01-10-2014, 04:03 PM